Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So Matt decided to use all his birthday money to buy a Wii for our household. We went and got it a few weeks ago and it hasn't been played all THAT much, but when the boys are at the house (and aren't grounded, in trouble, whatever) LOL, they are sure to be on the Wii.

I got us Super Mario Brothers for the Wii and it's sooooo much fun. Played it for the first time over Christmas with Jill and Thomas....and we played for HOURS and supposedly Nick and I were the game hogs, but I think everyone was just jealous at our mad skills! LOL

We have 4 controllers at our house and on Sunday night it was a Wii - Super Mario night! Robert, Jenny, Nick and I played for 4.5 hours and we LAUGHED and LAUGHED and had so much fun trying to get past a level!!! It was NOT easy with FOUR players - Mario, Luigi and 2 mushroom-heads! Of course Jenny and I were showing our skills this time'round (we were good back in the day)....and Nick and Robert kept foiling our plans! LOL I think I went to bed at 1:15 a.m. and had to get up at 5:15 for work. Holy cow...I"ll be suffering all week for that, but it was worth it.

I cant wait to play again!!! Hopefully me and my 3 boys can have a game night one day this week while we have them with us!

Thanks Jill + Tom for introducing us to our new addiction! :)

Happy Wii'ing y'all!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pioneer Woman????

Ok, isn't it funny sometimes how you can NEVER hear of something and then within 15 minutes hear of it 2 or 3 times?

That's my case today, with Pioneer Woman.

So I was wishing Shylo a happy birthday when I saw some new pics of Miss Karli and was perusing then saw a "Pioneer Woman" book signing. I thought, hum, wonder what that is. Must be good if someone's willing to wait HOURS in a line to have the author sign the book.

Oh well, I went along with my business.

To then be reading Jocelyn's latest blog and she had a hyperlink to Pioneer Woman's website. Ok -- now it's getting too freaky. I HAD to check it out.

and now I've spent the best part of an hour engulfed in her Marlboro Man story and how she's gone from city slicker to ranchhand, all be cause of Marlboro Man. I've made it through about 10 of her stories and am going to have to start the "From High Heels to Tractor Wheels" bit. There's about 30 entries to that! It's REEEEEEEALLY good! A true to life love story.

check it out: http://thepioneerwoman.com/blog/category/black_heelstractor_wheels/the_night_i_met_marlboro_man/

It's an addicting, worth-while, love story. Being a country girl gone to the city, I can see how she was smitten with a cowboy from the second she laid eyes on him!!!!

AND....the book signing I think was for her cookbook....which hold some pretty tasty-looking recipes.

So thanks ladies, for my newfound addiction!

xx - jamie

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy 4th of July -- God Bless America

May you have a WONDERFUL fourth of July.....remembering what it stands for and who gave us our freedoms over the past 200+ years!May the fireworks brighten your night .... and delicious BBQ decorate your table!
Hee Hee Happy 4th folks!!! See ya in SHINER!