Monday, September 16, 2013

Chevron Wall - LOVE!

Oh my! I can't contain my excitement any longer!
I finally finished my Utility Room re-do. I did 90% of it last year and well, have been wanting to do my chevron wall ever since, I just am not a fan of painting. WELL -- HERE IT IS! I LOVE IT! I've had it for over a week now, and I see it every day, and it makes me smile.
 It was worth the time and effort and I was done in a short amount of time. Used a few hours on Saturday and did the detail work on Sunday. Of the few people who've seen it, they love it too. Even a girlfriend is asking to borrow the stencil for her daughter's room! :)

The round white mirror is one of my craft projects, too. It was a seafoam green empty shell. I found a mirror that fit it perfectly and painted the frame white. I'm happy happy happy!
 Looking into the utility room from the hallway, at the wall! :)
 And here is the rest of the utility room. I have little space in there, but I have used it well, I think anyway! :) Added the bottom shelf, bought the Thirty-One bags, crafted little labels that match, bought a cheap rug that goes perfectly -- it's just a fun quaint place for a first-time room makeover! I've never stretched out on a limb like this and I have to say - it's been ALL WORTH IT!
I'll put the rest of the pictures up, just had to post what I had on hand today! :)

Happy blogging y'all! xx

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

NYC - July 2013

I was lucky enough to take some time off of work to show my little brother (he's 18!!) around NYC in July. We had a blast and did and saw EVVVVVVERYTHING! I was bound and determined to make sure he couldn't say "well, I really wanted to see this, but Jamie didn't take me or we didn't have time to". No sir-ee, bob! Not gonna happen. :) And it didn't.
Day 1: Times Square

Gotta love the billboards!

And look who we ran into! Marty Brown and his wife, from America's Got Talent. They were filming at Radio City Music Hall that week we were there! Ran into the Brown's TWICE. Crazy!

Rockafellar Center:

Day 2: Columbia University, doesn't he look like he fits in there?! :)

WTC Memorial Building:

Her Majesty, the Statue of Liberty:

Day 3: Yankee Stadium! Saw Jeter drive a homer his first at-bat and witnessed Matsui's retirement pre-game! What a day!

Day 4: Central Park:

And of course, Strawberry Fields:

Wall Street & the NYSE:

Times Square at dusk:

Day 5: Views from the Empire State Building
This one is looking over Downtown Manhattan:

Looking over New Jersey:

Looking up North at Central Park:

The Empire State Building

Used the Subway a ton! What a lifesaver!

NYU: New York University

We also saw Grand Central Station, the Chrysler Building, visited some of my friends at Barclay's Capital and S&P, walked an average of 9 miles each day and just went and did and ate and saw and had a blast!

At the end, Jaace said "I think I saw more things on this trip than I have in my whole life". It made me smile.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beach Weekend 2013!

Seems the summer isn't complete without some sort of beach trip thrown in! And that's just what I did last weekend. And I was accompanied by the sweetest 3.5 year old I know -- my nephew Brody. This was his first big boy vacation away from mommy and daddy. I think they missed him more, but don't be fooled - he missed them too, and his little brother Hudson.

We had a blast! The pictures show it!

Can't wait to go back with my little wing-man! And bring my two younger nephews sometime too -- they need another couple years though, they're both only 1 yr old! :))