Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Just where did the nice, extra-long Easter weekend go? It was BUSY for us.

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and reflected on the meaning behind this day and time of year. He is Risen!!! Thanks be to God!!!

I was really touched this year as Robert has been a sponsor to a guy (Rob) who is going through RCIA. He was baptized Baptist and this coming Sunday will be Confirmed and receive his first Holy Communion. So, Robert's been busy since September as a member of the RCIA team as well as a sponsor. We've become friends with Rob and Sandra and their children -- so another blessing! So Holy Week has been busy. Thursday we went to Holy Thursday mass. Saturday was Easter Vigil and a year (Easter to Easter, not date to date) that Robert's been a Catholic. Last year's Easter Vigil was incredibly moving for me watching him be Baptized, Confirmed and receive First Communion and this year's was just as moving!

It really made me reflect on my life and my commitment to God and the Church. I can do more. I can be better. So, that's my goal for this year. ... to be an even better Catholic.

Of course it was not all church-going this weekend. We did spend Friday evening for a bit with Jenny and Nick and our family. It was nice. and relaxing. Saturday was lots of running around for me while Robert was at church in the morning (he had to speak about his experience!!! he was there from 9 to 11:45!)

Sunday -- was FINALLY a day of rest, but only for 1/2 the day cause we took Engagement Pictures yesterday evening. I hope they turn out ok!!!! We were definitely blessed with a BEAUTIFUL day! (despite the morning rain). It actually was hot at 6:30 when we started the session. By the time we were done, 9 pm, I was worn out. My hair fell flat pretty quickly, so the "middle" pictures I'm sure I'm not going to like the way I look (hair-wise) but the ones from the beginning and the ones from the end (when I pulled some back) should be good. We took a sneak peek at a few and from the camera screen -- I think they will be good!!!! Alice and Eric are pros, so I know we're in very capable hands!!

Anyway ... it's back at work now, wishing I were home, wondering where the weekend went, and looking forward to the next day off!!!

Robert gave me a sweet Easter basket and we both talked about how next year -- we'll be husband and wife! How cool is that!!!

Happy Easter all and have a great week!!!


Jocelyn said...

I can't wait to see your engagement pictures!

Anonymous said...

Gosh i hope to one day use serendipity photog...they are amazing.
