Friday, January 16, 2009

Gotta Love the Weekend!

Especially those that are FREE! Robert and I have no real "set in stone" plans this weekend. No doubt we'll still be busier than ever, but nothing that we just HAVE to do.

I still have the Christmas tree up. We took down all the outside decorations last weekend, so it's time for us to hit up the inside. I'm sad to take it down because the Season just came and went so fast! But I need to get off my rear and get it done! ha ha

We do have some errands to run tonight and are likely meeting up with his friends Brian and Kim for dinner in Columbus.

Saturday will be de-decorating day! Saturday afternoon I'm going to Steph's wedding shower which will be good fun! I've got a trip planned to Ventura's before to look at bridesmaid dresses, but mainly color swatches! And hopefully in the evening Robert and I can look into our Honeymoon a bit!

Sunday will be church and undoubtedly more wedding stuff. Like the GUEST list. Wow! That is craziness. But EXCITING!!!!!

We had our first Rodeo meeting last night which was good. Always nice to see so many sweet familiar faces. We went to Watson's after for a couple drinks with the Subsea7 clan then up to Stephanie's to get Sophie and a few things. This morning he mentioned something about "your husband" and it was SO COOL to know that in such LITTLE TIME we'll be a Wife and a Husband. Awesome!

I hope you all have a great weekend, whomever reads this. Know I'm thinking about ya -- cause I'm always thinking about ALL those I love and have cherished friendships with!


Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm so glad I get to see you tomorrow! And I want to hear all about your BM dress search!!!

Kim said...

Wait...there's another "Bryan and Kim".

If you miss us that much, I'm glad you found replacements...even if he is a letter off.