Monday, January 12, 2009

Shiner girls representin'!!!!

We hit the Bridal Extravaganza on Sunday and had a great time! I got loads of ideas and even got to see 'my' dress on the runway!!! Yep -- it made the show. It looked sooooo preeeeeeeetyyy!

It was the first time for Jenny, Jillian and Dawn to see it, and was glad to hear they thought it was nice.

Do these shirts look familiar? They are the ones I got all the gals when I asked them to be in the wedding! Mom and I got one too so I thought it would be really cool to wear them to the Extravaganza ... and they were a hit! How many times did we hear "got any beer?" "where did you get those?" "are ya'll from Shiner?" It was pretty cool!


Unknown said...

So....have you decided on the dress then????

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time planning the wedding!