Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Fun 2012

Goodness me it's been awhile since I posted last. :( I've been trying to be good about posting once a week, but have been slacking off lately. Thank goodness I have pictures to remind me of what I've been up to the last 5 weeks so I can blog about it soon!

Since the last time I blogged I/we:

  • started our pool
  • bought a ton of plants for it
  • went to Fiesta Texas with my BFF and her/our kiddos!
  • threw a joint birthday party for the boys
  • threw a kids birthday party for Matt
  • went to see the Lion King (LOVE LOVE LOVE)
  • took my cousin Meagan for hibachi - first time for her and first time for chopsticks!
  • many many fun times with my family
  • went to Galveston & took a quick evening stroll around Pleasure Pier
  • laughed so hard with my Mom that I couldn't breathe!
  • became a Godmother to my nephew Max
  • school clothes shopped
  • bought more plants!
  • moved into our new office building
  • returned to Church (thank you God for your patience with me!)
  • been to more doctors visits than I care to mention
  • went back to WW after 6 weeks "off"
  • and I'm sure I've missed a few more things
And yep! I've got pictures for all of these fun things! I can't wait to share. I promise - it will be soon! I'm back on the wagon!

Happy blogging ya'll!

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