Monday, August 22, 2005

Pub Crawl, Shiner Texas Style

Read all about this on Robert's blog, as no doubt it will be posted eventually. (with pictures of the places)

Started out with a dollar cup, which are no longer dollar cups but $1.75 cups at Howard's, then out to Green-Dickson Park to watch a little volleyball, off to the 10th Inning for a beer & some tunes. Next to Antiques, Art & Beer -- which I was unimpressed with but RB will differ on that opinion. Where else but ending up at Kloesel's cause nothing else was open!

Good fun!

Here's a thought I had in the course of the night -- wonder if anyone walked into Tiger Tote, bought a 6-pack and sat down in the eating area and drank it. I think that would be funny as hell! .... maybe next time ....

1 comment:

RB said...

haha, hell yea, the blog lives!