Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have thoroughly enjoyed wedding planning so far! I wish I could take a month off to get things done, but unfortunately that's not feasible. So it's trying to get things done during work breaks and weekends. Luckily I have every other Friday off, so that helps. I can say it feels very surreal right now. Like I'm doing all this planning for someone else. Like I'm not really the BRIDE! Does it ever sink in???

And when you're planning do you continually second guess yourself?? Geez! I could kick my own butt sometimes!

However -- I am having a DOOZIE of a time with bridesmaid dresses. The color I want is only available in the priciest of dresses, which is NOT HAPPENING! I made a mad dash to Ventura's on Saturday with a limited amount of time only to find out I needed a LOT more time there. I've done numerous online searches, but you cannot compare a color online to one in real-life. Oye!

I know it'll all work itself out, however it's driving me crazy in the meantime. Quite a lot hinges on the color of the gals dresses, like the guys tuxes. Robert tried some on last night (and oh my gosh he was SOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome), and there were a couple colors we liked, however I can't give the go ahead until I have the girls dresses figured out. (naturally us ladies are MOST important!) Hee Hee

Anyway -- just writing and venting here ...

On another note, cause I don't like posting without a picture -- here are some fun ones. Enjoy!

Frio Breakfast Stop. Look at all these folks! And still more on the way!

Dogs always make me happy. They are so fun! Always happy.

Miss Sophie -- one FINALLY where she's looking at the camera.

Sophie on Robert's lap as we're cruising down the highway, probably back to Katy from Shiner!
Bella Rose as a puppy. Too cute! Bella as an adult. She's still just as sweet and cute!

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