Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My how time flies

So this picture is of me almost a year ago. I had just started at Hess and they wanted a picture for our newsletter. These were the glory days. When I had my own office. When I wasn't working on contracts for 6 to 8 different countries, all of which were different. When I didn't have quite so many stacks of files on my desk that I was literally buried! These days at work I share an office. They made this one a shared office, then moved us into a new shared office. I do the work of at least 2 persons. People know I'm swamped because I rarely, and I mean rarely have time to visit or socialize with anyone. It's quite frustrating. I'm thankful to have a job and even more at an oil company ... however ... there are days when I just want to say 'thanks, but no thanks'. However, I perservere. AND .. in 2011 we're moving into Hess Tower into downtown and 'should' have my own office again. HA HA HA 2011. Really.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas is over and so is January, practically

I hated taking down the Christmas decorations. Not only because it's a chore, but I just love the season. So here is one last pic (actually the ONLY pic) of our Christmas tree and beautiful nativity set before it went back into boxes and stored away.

And now JANUARY is almost over? That's craziness!!! Lot's has gone on this year so far, some good, some bad, . . . but we'll perservere and face the challenges head-on and the fun times with gladness.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm READY for it. Heading to Shiner for some R&R with the family. Yahoo!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have thoroughly enjoyed wedding planning so far! I wish I could take a month off to get things done, but unfortunately that's not feasible. So it's trying to get things done during work breaks and weekends. Luckily I have every other Friday off, so that helps. I can say it feels very surreal right now. Like I'm doing all this planning for someone else. Like I'm not really the BRIDE! Does it ever sink in???

And when you're planning do you continually second guess yourself?? Geez! I could kick my own butt sometimes!

However -- I am having a DOOZIE of a time with bridesmaid dresses. The color I want is only available in the priciest of dresses, which is NOT HAPPENING! I made a mad dash to Ventura's on Saturday with a limited amount of time only to find out I needed a LOT more time there. I've done numerous online searches, but you cannot compare a color online to one in real-life. Oye!

I know it'll all work itself out, however it's driving me crazy in the meantime. Quite a lot hinges on the color of the gals dresses, like the guys tuxes. Robert tried some on last night (and oh my gosh he was SOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome), and there were a couple colors we liked, however I can't give the go ahead until I have the girls dresses figured out. (naturally us ladies are MOST important!) Hee Hee

Anyway -- just writing and venting here ...

On another note, cause I don't like posting without a picture -- here are some fun ones. Enjoy!

Frio Breakfast Stop. Look at all these folks! And still more on the way!

Dogs always make me happy. They are so fun! Always happy.

Miss Sophie -- one FINALLY where she's looking at the camera.

Sophie on Robert's lap as we're cruising down the highway, probably back to Katy from Shiner!
Bella Rose as a puppy. Too cute! Bella as an adult. She's still just as sweet and cute!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Gotta Love the Weekend!

Especially those that are FREE! Robert and I have no real "set in stone" plans this weekend. No doubt we'll still be busier than ever, but nothing that we just HAVE to do.

I still have the Christmas tree up. We took down all the outside decorations last weekend, so it's time for us to hit up the inside. I'm sad to take it down because the Season just came and went so fast! But I need to get off my rear and get it done! ha ha

We do have some errands to run tonight and are likely meeting up with his friends Brian and Kim for dinner in Columbus.

Saturday will be de-decorating day! Saturday afternoon I'm going to Steph's wedding shower which will be good fun! I've got a trip planned to Ventura's before to look at bridesmaid dresses, but mainly color swatches! And hopefully in the evening Robert and I can look into our Honeymoon a bit!

Sunday will be church and undoubtedly more wedding stuff. Like the GUEST list. Wow! That is craziness. But EXCITING!!!!!

We had our first Rodeo meeting last night which was good. Always nice to see so many sweet familiar faces. We went to Watson's after for a couple drinks with the Subsea7 clan then up to Stephanie's to get Sophie and a few things. This morning he mentioned something about "your husband" and it was SO COOL to know that in such LITTLE TIME we'll be a Wife and a Husband. Awesome!

I hope you all have a great weekend, whomever reads this. Know I'm thinking about ya -- cause I'm always thinking about ALL those I love and have cherished friendships with!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Shiner girls representin'!!!!

We hit the Bridal Extravaganza on Sunday and had a great time! I got loads of ideas and even got to see 'my' dress on the runway!!! Yep -- it made the show. It looked sooooo preeeeeeeetyyy!

It was the first time for Jenny, Jillian and Dawn to see it, and was glad to hear they thought it was nice.

Do these shirts look familiar? They are the ones I got all the gals when I asked them to be in the wedding! Mom and I got one too so I thought it would be really cool to wear them to the Extravaganza ... and they were a hit! How many times did we hear "got any beer?" "where did you get those?" "are ya'll from Shiner?" It was pretty cool!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Year's Eve 2008

So Robert and I had a great low-key New Year's this year!!! We spent it over at Ryan & Shannon's house with them and Danny. We had THE LOUDEST fireworks in the area. By far.

Good times! Happy New Year everyone!!!

Here are Robert and Ryan chopping wood for the fire (so safe after a few drinks!) with this mallet Ryan whittled.
Here is the gang chillin out (literally) before the countdown.
The Loot . . . and only a SMALL portion of it!


Our 3rd New Year's together! A great start to an amazing year!!!!


Oh now let's see. How to explain this one? That is me enjoying the last drops of my bottle of red wine. Apparently, as Danny suggested, I'm doing a Soprano's impersonation. Hmm. Could be.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy Times

We had an impromtu party at Robert's house this past weekend! Talk about a good time! Thank you to EVERYONE who came over for it!!! Let's do it again soon!

The host & hostess and of course Sophie!

Michelle posing for the camera. Hot momma!!

Jamie & Karena lookin smokin' hot, of course! :)

Hangin out: Nick (so sweet and so single!), Patsy & Taylor (also sweet and also single!)

Robert and 3 of his groomsmen: Mike, Ryan & Danny

Snack time!
Francina & Greg hanging out watching the football game

Monday, January 05, 2009

2009 - Back at Work already!

Man -- I don't know how many of ya'll are suffering today like I am. It is all I can do to get some good work done today. I've been muddling through but the motivation is JUST NOT THERE YET!!!!

2009 is going to be a busy year. Most importantly with our wedding! It's so exciting! And we go so much done over the holiday's. Of course ya'll know me I want it ALL done like yesterday, but I'm managing to not get too overly excited or stressed. I am just so happy about the leaps and bounds we've made so far! Yahoo! More details of that to come.

I wanted to share a picture of our His and Hers Washer and Dryer! HA HA HA This is Robert and my FIRST purchase together. They are AWESOME too!!! I'm not sure if the washer is HIS and the dryer is HERS, but I like to think the Washer is mine and the Dryer is his. (then HE gets to take the clothes out and fold them, not me!) Right? Right! ha ha

Last night was Robert and my first night apart in over 2 weeks and it was so hard to leave. But I needed to get back to Steph's and missed visiting with her over the past weeks. I slept good but was just lonely. He didn't get to bed till after midnight, said he just couldn't sleep. That's a cool feeling. (not that he couldn't sleep, but the feeling of oneness when we are together).

Yesterday I went up to the barn with him so he could attach a bracket to Jr's pigs water spiggot and I was watching him work and tears welled up in my eyes because I just love this man so much. I never knew I could love someone like this. I love my Mom and Dad, sisters and brother, grandparents and family so much -- but the love I have for Robert is different. He truly does complete me.