Thursday, June 05, 2008

15, yes I said 15

Robert Jr had birthday yesterday and turned, yes you guessed it, 15!

I asked "my" Robert if he felt old having a 15-year old. Of course he was like "nooooo!" but I really wonder.

We had a nice evening -- dinner at Sushi Hana in Katy -- which was completely YUM! Here's a pic of Jr and his birthday surprise.

When we got home we all went for a walk at the local elementary school's track. On the way home Dad and Jr had a sprint race -- DAD WON!!! But of course Jr said he had to stop because he started laughing at how dad was running. I don't buy it. An out-of-shape 35 year old beat an in-shape 15 year old. There's something to be said for Robert's chicken legs!!!

Here's a picture or 2 of my sweet Sophie going to town on her rawhide bone. She LOVES these things. Granny gave her this one -- I couldn't get a decent picture (like usual) cause she kept moving her head! She was SO GOOD last night on the walk. We went to the park WITHOUT a leash and well, she was just perfectly precious!


Jenny Popp said...

He's lying! :)

Jaace is 13 and that makes me feel old and he's not even MY kid!

Jamie C said...

So true!!!!

Jaace ages me every year. I remember everything about his youth like it was yesterday.

He's so lucky to have 4 momma's!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't let him fool you.

Devin turned 6 & I cried. They grow too fast. I just love reading these things. I should start one. Boy wouldn't I surprise everyone with Hana's story. lol